
Bishop & Mother Lamb
1946 – 1995

Bishop & Mother Bolden
1995 – 2007

Bishop & Evangelist Anthony
2007 – Present

Bishop Winford Lamb Founder & First Pastor

Mother Odessa Lamb
Original Church Address: 1017 Glendale Ave., Portsmouth, VA
Updated Church Address: 115 Cavalier Blvd., Portsmouth, VA 23701
New Official Church Address: 111 Cavalier Blvd., Porstmouth, VA 23701
Founded in 1944 by the late Pastor Pearlie Blanchard, the church was originally established as Pentecostal Holiness Church of the Workers’ Training Home, Inc. Two years later, several other Elders came to the church (one by the name of Elder Franklin). Elder Franklin shortly left and was followed by Elder Winford F. Lamb. In 1946 Elder Lamb became the pastor and all property was conveyed to the Guiding Light Apostolic Church of Christ.
When Elder Lamb came the original site was not as attractive as now. At that time there were no gravel, no tar, and no cement streets. Only a dirt path with woods and muddy water that led to the almost cardboard place of worship existed. Elder Lamb was not very impressed with what he saw. But felt in his heart, that God led him there to bring the church out of the wilderness. Through much prayer and fasting, he sought the Lord for confirmation of his stay in which he requested God to next few difficult years with about 5 or 6 elderly members and some children, he began working on the building of the second church. The 5 or 6 elderly members did not depress Elder Lamb. For many days he worked alone but because of his zeal the second house of god was completed, round “alter” and all. God continued to direct the steps of Elder lamb.
Elder Lamb had another vision for Guiding Light Church and again the work began. With the help of faithful brethren, the dining room was built upstairs. As Elijah said there would be no rain for a season, Elder Lamb prayed there would be no rain, until the roof was on, and it was so. God honored his request. It rained around it but not on it. In 1954 Elder Lamb had a vision to go to Belcross, NC and start a second church for the Lord. The building consisted of one room, a worn porch, cinder blocks for stairs, worn benched to sit on, an old heater, kerosene lamps to see by night, a man-made pulpit, a piano, one old drum, and an out-house in the woods. Just like in Virginia, Elder Lamb had a vision to build a new place of worship and it came to pass. He was faithful traveling between Virginia and North Carolina to have services at both places of worship.
Later Elder Lamb became a Bishop. He encountered sickness in which he asked god to give him five more years to live. God again granted his request and gave him 3 years more. Bishop Lamb has touched many lives with his wisdom, faith and endurance. There is nothing new to be said of Bishop Lamb. There is nothing new to be said of the mountains, the sea, or the stars. The years may go their way, but the same old mountain lift their granite shoulders above the drifting clouds. the same mysterious seas beat upon the shore and the same silent stars keep holy vigil above a “tired” world. But to mountains and seas and stars, men turn forever in unwearied homage, and thus it was with Bishop Lamb. For he was a mountain in grandeur of soul, he was a sea, deep in voice of mystic lowliness, and he was a star in steadfast purity of purpose and of service.
Bishop Alfred P. Bolden, Sr. became the Pastor after the passing away of Bishop Lamb in 1995. He appointed three trustees: Minister Douglas M. Anthon, Sr., Minister Lynwood B. Rascoe, Minister Keith O. Myrick. The lord gave Bishop Bolden a vision to rebuild the sanctuary and the work is moving forth by the power of God. The church address was 115 Cavalier Blvd but after the new construction started Bishop Bolden had it changed to the address to the adjacent building (111 Cavalier Blvd) which will make the structure one: One Lord (1), and One Baptism (1) according to Ephesians 4:5. Elder Douglas M. Anthony, Sr. became the Pastor after the passing away of Bishop Bolden in 2007. The work of the lord will continue and go forth.
Pastor Pearlie Blanchard, Pastor from 1944 to 1946
Bishop Winford F. Lamb, Sr., Pastor from 1946 to 1995
Bishop Alfred P. Bolden, Sr., Pastor from 1995 to December 2007
Bishop Douglas M. Anthony, Sr., Pastor from December 2007 to Present